viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

(does he deserves a title?)

I'm fine without you, the first days after you disappear are always rough, because I doubt if you just left again, or you are death, too bad your girlfriend who you keep saying is an ex and she doesn't, is the only contact i have to get to you, the good thing is I won't need to contact her anymore, now, after your pattern is so clear to me, I will just know you left, lets say one time you actually die, what will be the difference, if you just go without caring what I feel, what i can be thinking, or doing or crying. You know nothing about me, because you have only cared about yourself since the beginning. I hate feeling what i still feel for you, for your voice and your words, the good thing is that now there are so many things I just don't stand about you that its every time easier to let go. I let you go, GO, but this time please don't bother to come back, because you just come to feed your ego, to demonstrate I'm still in love with you, and then you go back to your wifey. Oh how much I'm hating you right now for making a fool of me. Or me for allowing it. This time I promise myself I wont give you a day of my thoughts, and my feelings, you didn't came back to make my life better, and even when I been believing you are the one, I truly believe and have learn, that whoever is the one will stay. And you?, hahaha you only know how to leave, and when you come back you dare to act as if you have any dignity. Go and fuck yourself but this time really GO. If you love me half as much as you say you do please be aware of the damage you cause in me every time after you say you love me you just never ever come back, you change your number, you stop texting and calling, you just don't answer. You don't deserve my love, not even if you write the best of the poems. You really don't. I tried my best and if my best wasn't enough for you, then I'm not for you. I let go.


martes, 3 de mayo de 2016

Pamela, liberate.!

Aprende a liberarte, de los ataques propios y ajenos, aprende que nada te pertenece, aprende que todo se va si no lo dejas quedarse, ya sabes a lo que vienes y lo que quieres, ya entiendes la vida mas que hace un tiempo, ya entiendes!, ahora solo practicalo, nada puede molestarte ni quitarte tu energia vital, nada si tu no lo permites, tomate tiempo para respirar dejalo ir una vez que lo hagas solo creelo y listo, eso sera tu verdad.
